Results for 'Hugo Silveira Pereira'

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  1.  14
    Validação do inventário de compensação de Young para a população campinense.Hugo Barbosa Pereira & Karla Carolina Silveira Ribeiro - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi de adaptar e analisar se o YCI apresenta validade psicométrica para aplicação na cidade de Campina Grande - Paraíba. Para o estudo, contou-se com a participação de 480 adultos com idade média de 24,49 anos (DP = 7,296). Os dados foram coletados na cidade de Campina Grande através de um questionário online. Todos os itens apresentaram cargas fatoriais acima de 0,30. A escala apresentou KMO = 0,846 e x² = 6094,745 p<0,000 e o percentual de (...)
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    On the (In)Dependence of the Peano Axioms for Natural Numbers.Márcia R. Cerioli, Hugo Nobrega, Guilherme Silveira & Petrucio Viana - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (1):51-69.
    We investigate two notions of independence— independence and complete independence—applied to the Peano axioms for the sequence of natural numbers. We review the results that, although they...
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    The Imminent Fall of Home-Office Workers During COVID-19 Outbreak: Suggestions to Cope With Burnout.Douglas da Silveira Pereira & Fabiana Silva Ribeiro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Metafísica E ideia: A originalidade da concepção tomista em confronto com Spinoza E Hegel.Carlos Frederico Gurgel Calvet da Silveira & Thiago Leite Cabrera Pereira da Rosa - 2015 - Synesis 7 (2):1-17.
    As ideias estão em Deus e são compreendidas por seus limites em relação à sua essência ilimitada. A originalidade do ser de Tomás de Aquino pode ser testada se comparada com as múltiplas teorias a respeito da ideia que se desenvolveram ao longo dos séculos na investigação filosófica. Das ideias subsistentes de Platão à ideia como subsistência em Hegel, os percursos aristotélico e tomista revelam-se opções intelectuais moderadas no âmbito gnosiológico, em razão de suas conquistas metafísicas. Deixando de lado os (...)
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    Systematic Review of Psychological and Behavioral Correlates of Recreational Running.Hugo Vieira Pereira, António Labisa Palmeira, Jorge Encantado, Marta Moreira Marques, Inês Santos, Eliana Veiga Carraça & Pedro J. Teixeira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: The aim of this review was to systematically synthesize the published literature describing the psychological and behavioral correlates of recreational running in adults, defined as running for leisure, with or without a competitive component.Methods: Quantitative research published in peer-reviewed journals until January 2021 were included. Studies were identified through MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science and were included in this review if they were aimed at recreational running, included general adult samples, and assessed psychological or behavioral correlates of (...)
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    A tradição do milho: o ingrediente base da cozinha caipira e das festas juninas.Ana Alice Silveira Correa, Suely Sani Pereira Quinzani, Daniela Vilela Peixoto & Tatiana Caroline Silveira Corrêa - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):99.
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    Effects of Concomitant Benzodiazepines and Antidepressants Long-Term Use on Social Decision-Making: Results From the Ultimatum Game.Carina Fernandes, Helena Garcez, Senanur Balaban, Fernando Barbosa, Mariana R. Pereira, Celeste Silveira, João Marques-Teixeira & Ana R. Gonçalves - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Benzodiazepines and antidepressants have been shown to change responses to unfairness; however, the effects of their combined use on unfairness evaluation are unknown. This study examines the effects of concomitant benzodiazepines and antidepressants long-term use on the evaluation of fair and unfair offers. To analyze behavioral changes on responses to unfairness, we compared the performance of medicated participants and healthy controls in the Ultimatum Game, both in the proposer and in the respondent role. The results showed that long-term psychotropic users (...)
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    MERCIER, Hugo; SPERBER, Dan: The Enigma of Reason. A New Theory of Human Understanding, Penguin Books, London, 2018, 396p. [REVIEW]Martín Pereira Fariña - 2021 - Agora 41 (1).
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    A literatura no contexto da revolução estética concebida por Jacques Rancière.Nadier Pereira dos Santos & Joana Kelly Marques de Souza - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 13 (1):87-108.
    A partir da perspectiva dos três regimes de identificação das artes propostos por Jacques Rancière, a literatura ocupa um lugar central na superação do regime poético, ou representativo, pelo regime estético. Para Rancière, o realismo de escritores como Hugo, Balzac, Stendhal e Flaubert subverte as hierarquias e pressupostos normativos vigentes no regime poético das artes. A partir desses autores, qualquer assunto ou qualquer pessoa, isto é, pertencente a qualquer condição social, podem vir a ser tratados como objeto literário sério, (...)
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    O Encontro Com o Buriti: A Árvore da Vida e as Crianças Warao Em Nova Iguaçu.Flavia Miller Naethe Motta & Andréa Silveira Dutra - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-22.
    “There`s only beauty if there is an interlocutor. The beauty of the lagoon is always someone” (Mãe, 2017, p.40). Valter Hugo Mãe expresses our desire in the making of this paper to share our experience of meeting refugee children, as part of an ongoing research project dedicated to exploring the conditions in which they live in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the influences they bring with them from their birth countries. In the process of conducting this research, (...)
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    Absolutely Right and Relatively Good: Consequentialists See Bioethical Disagreement in a Relativist Light.Hugo Viciana, Ivar R. Hannikainen & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (3):190-205.
    Background Contemporary societies are rife with moral disagreement, resulting in recalcitrant disputes on matters of public policy. In the context of ongoing bioethical controversies, are uncompromising attitudes rooted in beliefs about the nature of moral truth?Methods To answer this question, we conducted both exploratory and confirmatory studies, with both a convenience and a nationally representative sample (total N = 1501), investigating the link between people’s beliefs about moral truth (their metaethics) and their beliefs about moral value (their normative ethics).Results Across (...)
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  12.  8
    Algunas consideraciones sobre la noción de pueblo indígena en la constitución de la república bolivariana de Venezuela.José Miguel Pereira - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:647-654.
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  13. Zur psychologie des volkstümlichen zahlenbildes.Hugo Keller - 1941 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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  14.  10
    (1 other version)Uma ética para além do hUmano E do tempo presente.Genivaldo do Nascimento Pereira - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 17 (14):34-41.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo trabalhar a proposta ética de Hans Jonas. Para Jonas, o homem, mediante técnica, modificou o poder causal de sua ação no mundo. Segundo ele, essa modificação no agir humano nos colocou em uma situação paradoxal. De um lado alcançamos um poder, jamais antes alcançado por outra geração. Por outro lado, nos vemos incapazes de calcular os efeitos de tal poder a logo prazo. Nesse contexto tanto o homem como o todo existente se encontram em (...)
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  15. Revolution Whither Bound?Hugo Ferdinand Simon - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45:633.
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    The projective theory of consciousness: from neuroscience to philosophical psychology.Alfredo Pereira Jr - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (s1):199-232.
    : The development of the interdisciplinary areas of cognitive, affective and action neurosciences contributes to the identification of neurobiological bases of conscious experience. The structure of consciousness was philosophically conceived a century ago as consisting of a subjective pole, the bearer of experiences, and an objective pole composed of experienced contents. In more recent formulations, Nagel refers to a “point of view”, in which qualitative experiences are anchored, while Velmans understands that phenomenal content is composed of mental representations “projected” to (...)
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  17.  5
    Heidegger e la teologia: atti del Convegno tenuto a Trento l'8-9 febbraio 1990.Hugo Ott & Giorgio Penzo (eds.) - 1995 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    La tragedia del sentido entre las normas sociales y la ley.Hugo Daniel Aguilar & Marisa Moyano (eds.) - 2013 - Elena, Argentina: Miguel Ángel Tréspidi Ediciones.
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  19. La muerte de Virgilio o el discurso del vencedor.Hugo F. Bauza - 1996 - Humanitas 48:141-150.
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    The Photoplay; a Psychological Study.Hugo Münsterberg - 1916 - New York etc. : D. Appleton and company.
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    O ensaio como irresolução. Contemporaneidades de Eduardo Lourenço.Hugo Monteiro - 2024 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 43 (2).
    Marcado desde sempre pela relação entre filosofia e literatura, o pensamento de Eduardo Lourenço (1923-2020) desenvolve-se ao longo de uma vasta produção intelectual – parte ainda inédita – correspondente a uma profunda, atenta e responsável atenção ao seu tempo. Este artigo parte dessa atenção, intentando demonstrar os contornos da sua originalidade, bem como mapear os traços principais do seu relevo filosófico-literário. Passando pelas noções de “heterodoxia”, de “ensaísmo” e de “temporalidade”, pretende-se acompanhar algumas vias percorridas pela obra do pensador, esclarecendo (...)
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    (2 other versions)Preface.Hugo Ott - 1991 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 14 (2):481-485.
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    The role of experts in the public perception of risk of artificial intelligence.Hugo Neri & Fabio Cozman - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):663-673.
    The goal of this paper is to describe the mechanism of the public perception of risk of artificial intelligence. For that we apply the social amplification of risk framework to the public perception of artificial intelligence using data collected from Twitter from 2007 to 2018. We analyzed when and how there appeared a significant representation of the association between risk and artificial intelligence in the public awareness of artificial intelligence. A significant finding is that the image of the risk of (...)
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  24.  7
    Die grundgedanken der Machschen philosophie mit erstveröffentlichungen aus seinen wissenschaftlichen tagebüchern.Hugo Dingler - 1924 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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  25. Metaphysik als wissenschaft vom letzten.Hugo Dingler - 1929 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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  26. The Individual Realm of Machine Ethics: A Survey.Ari Saptawijaya & Luís Pereira - 2016 - In Luís Moniz Pereira & Ari Saptawijaya (eds.), Programming Machine Ethics. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  27.  32
    Intelligence and Character.John Hugo - 1937 - New Scholasticism 11 (1):58-68.
  28.  15
    Zum Verhältnis von Offenbarung und Sein bei Paul Tillich.Hugo S. Eymann - 1975 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 17 (1):76-88.
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    (1 other version)Resistencia y Fagocitación. Encuentro entre Michel de Certeau y Rodolfo Kusch.Hugo Alberto Finola - 2013 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 2:75.
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  30. National historians and the discourse of the "other" : France and germany.Hugo Frey & Stefan Jordan - 2008 - In Stefan Berger & Chris Lorenz (eds.), The Contested Nation: Ethnicity, Class, Religion and Gender in National Histories. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    (1 other version)Mitarbeiterliste.Hugo Ott - 1986 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 12:359-359.
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  32. El paradigma occidental, la dialéctica de autonomía e imitación y las alternativas prácticas del Tercer Mundo.Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla - 2009 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 23:3.
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    Reason and belief.Hugo Maynell - 1975 - Philosophical Books 16 (3):15-17.
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    Loparic, Almeida E chagas: Sobre O factum da razão.Luiz Antonio Pereira - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (141):827-847.
    RESUMO Na "Kritik der praktischen Vernunft", os conceitos do factum da razão e do sentimento de respeito pela lei moral geram grandes divergências interpretativas. O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as interpretações de Zeljko Loparic, Guido Antônio de Almeida e Flávia Carvalho Chagas. ABSTRACT In "Kritik der praktischen Vernunft", the concepts of factum of reason and of feeling of respect for the moral law generate great interpretative divergences. This paper aims to present the interpretations of Zeljko Loparic, Guido Antônio (...)
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    Reply to Commentaries and Future Directions.A. Pereira Jr - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (7-8):199-228.
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  36.  11
    Groarke, Aristotle, and Induction.Hugo Meynell - 2011 - Method 25 (1):79-87.
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  37.  9
    The Film: a Psychological Study: The Silent Photoplay in 1916.Hugo Münsterberg - 1970
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    The Opponents of Eternal Values.Hugo Munsterberg - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19:228.
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  39. A extensão universitária a partir de Jürgen Habermas e Enrique Leff // The university extension from Jürgen Habermas and Enrique Leff.Leonardo Dorneles Gonçalves & Vilmar Alves Pereira - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):13-27.
    O debate sobre modernidade e racionalidade consiste num referencial que ocupa espaço no campo das ciências humanas e demais campos do saber. Este estudo pretende discutir essa relação aproximando-a do terreno da Educação Ambiental. Desse modo num primeiro momento o texto situa a modernidade e a racionalidade; num segundo, apresentar a contribuição de Habermas sobre a temática e finalmente busca fazer algumas aproximações com Enrique Leff a partir do conceito de racionalidade ambiental. Interessa-nos também nessa parte buscar compreender em que (...)
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    Cadernos Nietzsche publicam a segunda parte do dossiê sobre Nietzsche e as Tradições Morais.Márcio José Silveira Lima & Rogério Antônio Lopes - 2017 - Cadernos Nietzsche 38 (3):9-14.
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    Humanitarian Diplomacy: The ICRC's Neutral and Impartial Advocacy in Armed Conflicts.Hugo Slim - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (1):67-77.
    As part of a roundtable on “Balancing Legal Norms, Moral Values, and National Interests,” this essay describes the humanitarian diplomacy of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) by comparing it conceptually with other forms of advocacy and illustrating it with the ICRC's recent experience in the Yemen crisis. Humanitarian diplomacy is examined as one particular way of balancing legal norms, moral values, and national interests in the pursuit of greater respect for international humanitarian law (IHL) and principled humanitarian (...)
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  42.  6
    Das system; das philosophisch-rationale grundproblem und die exacte methode der philosophie.Hugo Dingler - 1930 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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    Relativitätstheorie und Ökonomieprinzip.Hugo Dingler - 1922 - Leipzig,: S. Hirzel.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  44.  12
    Die Schule der Selbsttätigkeit.Hugo Gaudig - 1963 - Bad Heilbrunn/Obb.,: J. Klinkhardt. Edited by Lotte Müller.
  45. Några frihetsproblem hos Nils Fredrik Biberg.Hugo Henningsson - 1932 - Lund,: Gleerupska univ.-bokhandeln.
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    Acordo Brasil-Santa Sé: Catolicização da Vida Pública na República Laica.Hugo Alexandre Espínola Mangueira - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (19):151-152.
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  47. (1 other version)Friedrich Nietzsche, la Escuela de Frankfurt y el postmodernismo.Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 51 (3):10-11.
    El presente artículo hace una reflexión sobre la relación del ideario de Nietzsche con la corriente actual del postmodernismo, a través del pensamiento de la Escuela de Frankfurt. Se examina el papel inspirador de Nietzsche en varias de las figuras principales de esta Escuela, como Theodor Adorno y Max Horkheimer. Ideas como las de relativismo, voluntad de poder y totalitarismo -analizadas aquí críticamente- sirven para tejer una influencia siempre poderosa y presente, tanto en el pensamiento frankfurtiano como en el postmodernismo.
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    God and the world: the coherence of Christian theism.Hugo Anthony Meynell - 1971 - London,: S.P.C.K..
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  49. James M. Gustafson, Ethics from a Theocentric Perspective. Vol. II: Ethics and Theology Reviewed by.Hugo Meynell - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (10):443-445.
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  50. Kant's Anaesthetic.Hugo Meynell - 1973 - Philosophical Forum 4 (3):340.
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